Thursday, July 21, 2011

Isn't it funny that those who hate on Lil Wayne probably can't even name 1 song that wasn't on the radio?

I find it sad and pathetic that you guys judge him on songs that were released for radio play like A Milli, Lollipop, Got Money and Prom Queen. If you use those songs as your arguement of course people are gonna say he sucks. Those songs were for the masses not for real hip hop fans. I bet if you even heard half the songs and mixtapes that I heard from him everyone would be changing their minds. Judge Lil Wayne on classics like Hustler Musik, Money On My Mind, 3 Peat, Tie My Hands, Shoot Me Down, Amen, Sportscenter, Back On My Grizzy, Gossip, That Ain't Me, Sky Is The Limit, Dedication 2 (the song), Best Thing Yet...

Rap&Hip-Hop: How do you feel about songs that are only famous because the person who did them?

It's all about brand building sometimes.. you can have some random guy who sings better than some of the singers on TV yet he's not famous. But with the rise of youtube stars, it appears that you can sometime get extremely lucky and reach stardomhood, if people in the industry find you appealing and attractive.

What wold be a great present?

:):) that's cool :) I'm 14 too and I'm sure shell like what u give her :) my advice is to give her a bracelet. I guess any bracelet wld work... but maybe not a charm bracelet or something super lovey dove cuz it wld be a little creepy if u guys wernt "together". hmm... too bad u don't have more time or else u cld make her something but if you have any of those little hippyish stores in your town you could go there cuz there's always something like a chain bracelet or something with beads or even a leather bracelet if it's uhh... "girlish" or if you think she wld like it. I'm sure whatever you give her she will love and more than likely wear it during summer break

Where does the quadratic formula come from?

since anything *0 is still 0 the ax^2+bx+c=0 makes that true even with the 4a. if a is 0 then the formula doesn't work because you can't divide by 0.

Should there be a fat tax?

As a smoker, I have to pay a lot more tax than a non-smoker because I supposedly cost the system more (some people's rationale). If that's true, then why is there no fat tax? Once you've hit 5'8" and 350lbs you're definitely going to be a burden on either the hospitals, social workers, welfare or all three. Why should I have to pay higher tax when I do not burden such systems and will die rather quickly and cheaply from lung cancer and not even collect a pension?

Do like my poem or not?

im really bad with poems, so dont take my criticism into any remote account. i did a quick read threw. i like poems that rhyme. the flow didnt feel right with me. really keep writing more. its a good skill to work on.....oh bloody hell what am i talking about.

My Boyfriend is going to college?

ok to be honest i think u should just save the conversation until august. uve only been going out two weeks and it'll push him away if u try to have a serious talk too early in the relationship. just enjoy the time u have together for now and see how he feels about the relationship by august. if it doesnt seem like he wants to wait for you until after college then its not worth it to continue a long distance relationship regardless of whether or not u can see other ppl. if he isnt into this enough to wait for you then ull only create more drama for urself if u try to hold onto it anyway.

Why are we funding Sesame Street in Pakistan?

Honestly, people I know over there absolutely loved Sesame Street as children, its where they got a lot of their education. And it would be better to have Pakistan as an ally, considering they run a lot of the electricity/oil to other countries (i.e. Afganistan etc.), they also are one of the only Muslim countries to have an atomic bomb, which they would'nt hesitate to give it to places like Iran if they asked for it.

My Ex is cheating on her new guy with me. what should i do?

Ok so like 6 mouths ago I broke up with her but we were still together like sleeping with each other, we were always arguing after we broke up cause she wanted me to get back with her but i keeped telling wait till summer starts up so i dont have the stress of school when im starting a relationship. During the time that we werent dating i didnt hook up with any girls but a couple tried and i pushed them off I even told one of my friends i wasnt going to prom with her cause i still loved my ex and my ex knows i said that. we still tell each other we love each other. about a mouth ago she met this guy at work and started hanging out with him. i didnt like it but i didnt make a big deal out of it. 2 nights ago she was talking to both of us over skype in a 3way conversation and we told her to pick. and when we did that she said i dont want you to hurt me so im going to pick him. at this point my heart completly shattered. I've been telling her how much i love her so much and how i would never hurt her again for the past 2 mouths but she still cant seem to trust me. The next morning after she picked him we had plans for breakfast (made before she picked him) but I told her theres no point but she insisted that we hung out. we hung out from 10 to 10 all day and did multiple things it started a little awkward but then our natural attraction took over and we went back to how we always were. we made out pretty much all day and were being very sexual when i told her i was getting my yin yang tattoo covered up cause i thought it could represent me and her she told me let it push me to try harder to get her. after that we went to her house and we almost had sex but she was on her period. the thing is i said you should probably tell him whats going on but she said she wont, but i want to be with her so bad and she cheats on him with me should i just tell him and avoid more heart break for him and so i can get my girl back. i could honestly say i could see myself spending the rest of my life with this girl.

What is Beatty's rationale for burning books?

I need help with this question from Fahrenheit 451. It's for a school sheet and I don't know! Please help. :)

How to know which type of function best fits data?

I don't know how to logically know whether a set of data best fits a linear, quadratic, radical, exponential, or logarithmic function. I don't understand the rationale behind that, i.e. whether we test it by multiplying the y-values etc. What calculations do you personally do to figure that out?

Can you guys please help me out getting a TPR for the poem "the fish"by elizabeth bishop?

topic.position and rationale... i really do not understand it and its for hw... i have no idea what the poems about... 10 points

How do I change my 9 month olds sleeping habits?

My little girl has been staying up until 1 am every night. No matter how we try to get her to sleep she still insists on being awake. Usually she sleeps until 10 am but we have been getting her up at 7 in efforts to get her to sleep earlier. Still hasnt helped. Any Ideas?

Is it wrong for my mum to go on my facebook and try to look at everything I do?

I'm a fifteen year old girl who has a facebook account - just about like every other teenager in the world. But my mum insists on going on it, actually logging onto my actual account to look at everything I do, read my conversations, my messages and my wall posts. We've argued about it before, I've told it's wrong, that I don't like it and she shouldn't do it because first, I already tell her everything and there's no need for her to look at it. I've tried explaining that it's my personal social life and that anything she should know I already tell her. Then she says that there shouldn't be anything I don't want to show her. It's pissing me off so much, and I can't tell me friends because they'd just be like 'WTF, you're mum is a freak'. She is trying to blackmail me with this, by saying if I don't let her see my facebook than she won't let me go out or invite friends over. WHAT SHOULD I DO?

Remember when teachers, nurses, doctors and lollipop ladies crashed the stock market, wiped out banks...?

So take all your money and get a jar and bury it in a place no one knows about. The banks will fail.And more suffering will be the result.

What are the principles of colour coordination?

it is probably best to stay away from colours that are on opposite sides of the colour wheel (red and green, purple and yellow, blue and orange). these colours are called contrasting colours and they could look a bit garish when worn together. colours next to each other are complimentary and should look nice together. Personal taste is a large factor though.

I'm not sure I understand my wife's attitude toward my efforts?

We've had some ups and downs over the past year or so. I haven't been the best husband, getting angry sometimes when she demands a lot of attention or complains a lot. For her part she's spent time flirting with other guys and insulting me, though she insists the other guys mean nothing and they're after her, and the insults are just jokes. We've had a few real blow ups. My issue is over the years I've purchased a number of books about how to keep your wife happy and how to be a good husband. Some about how to please her in bed and others about communication and making her happy. She says she wanted me to read these and I have. Not sure if they helped. But she has never done the same. She doesn't seem to put the effort into wanting to improve things and seems like she's satisfied about how things go. I've pointed this out to her before. Well I did again a few days ago when she complained that I was being too aggressive in my job search and I should want to find work that lets me stay home a lot and focus on her and our future kids. I pointed out that I already put a lot of effort into the relationship and mentioned the books I've bought and spent time reading. She just sort of laughed and said, "Oh, yeah, those" in reference to the books. What gives? She said she wanted me to focus on her, read those books and all, and now she just sees them as a joke or something. Can someone explain this to me? What have I done wrong here?

Why do guys with really hairy arms/backs wear sleeveless shirts?

I know this question is really random, but I was wondering about this today. I work in retail and there are so many times where guys with extremely hairy arms and backs come in with sleeveless shirts for all the world to see. It's not even like it is just a little hair, no, it is a huge amount of hair that mimics fur. I know that this look doesn't look good, other people know this doesn't look good, but do these guys realize how bad it looks? Why do guys insist on going around like this? Do they not realize they are that hairy? Are they afraid to wax or shave? Any insight would be helpful!

Is suicide ever a rational decision?

Happiness isn't a gamble. It's a state of mind; one that we create for ourselves. And suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I do agree that for some few suicide is a rational decision. But for most it is an impulsive, and often selfish, act in response to a momentary situation.

Lesson plan for medical marijuana, do I make it so I tell students whether it is bad or not or let them decide?

Trying to come up with a lesson plan on maedical marijuana for my drug education class, do I make it so I tell students whether it is bad or not or let them decide on their own based on facts I presented from class. There are so many sides to the argument and I would not be able to take one side, with tobacco it is obvious that it is bad, but with weed, it is considered relativly safer although I do think that it can have some side effects but it is not as addicting. But since the lesson plan I chose was just medinial mariujuana, what do I put on the rationale? Students should know this because marijuana is not the bad drug people think it is and can actually have good medical effects and they should know before they agree whether it is bad or not if it is bad or not or if the medical community could derive any sort of benefit from its use, etc. I am just a little stuck on the rationale and how to present this lesson plan and the purpose of the lesson plan.

Hubby's lost his mind! He stole my lipstick, made red blobs on his cheeks and started singing?

He sounds like he has an urge to be Raggedy Andy, why don't you dress up and be Raggedy Ann and you can start up your own duet♥

Heath-row airport doesn't allow dogs. We have 10 hours with a dog there. Any ideas of where and where to do?

We will be waiting for a flight after checking out of a hotel and will have approx 10 hours. The dog is coming with us and also needs to be checked in but,the problem is that it seems that the airport doesn't allow dogs in the terminals. If anyone has had a similar experience,perhaps they have some knowledge or experience to share Sorry about Heath-row the spell checker insisted on it

Is me or does my sister get off on other peoples pain?

so my sister is older than me, long stoy short she was a runaway kind of a kid whoe eventually got raped at a party and fully ran away after that, then i was born. she came to this country. when i was 7 came too. she was amazed at how well me and mom mom got along (or so i suspect) she ws immediatley very mean, adding all the little and sometimes really big things she did to both me and my mom. my mom actually feels guilty because she thinks she was a bad mother with her so she kept trying to go back to he dragging me along with her. i began to change over the periods my mom called it quits and got away from her only to have her come back later. again the point is i began dressing really conservative. for some atrange reason after loosing her kids and getting pregnat she got maied and became a church going woman. i still dint like her but my mom fell like butter on the pan. as they got closer things sort of came up but once they got into another fight my mom finally tld me about these little comments of hers: that i muts of been raped because i dress this way (jeez what a low) that im spoiled because im shy (she hates me so she cant possibly be actually worried so come on) and so on. one morning during one of their akwar make up breakfasts my mom commented to my sister a questions i had about certain LOVE thingies and my sister just shot a bunch of info my way amongst which was :yu kissed your cousin when you were smalland alllot of other disgusting things leaving me dumbfounded the worst of all is that when my mom came to my room she said all she had said were lies. like what the F who sais lies in front of some one else? and my mom jsut went back to my sister liek she hadnt done anything and insisting she had just been lying and beleiveing herself. do i or do i not have reasons to be pissed off at both of them? who is right in this situation? thanks for your opinio

Whats the deal with Craigslist these days? Ad Ghosted, then problems deleting...?

All I can say is sometimes, you get what you pay for. I tried advertising on Craiglist a while ago. I never received any legitimate replies. I got several fakes though. From this experience, I decided that it was largely a waste of my time to advertise on craiglist.

Christianity Savagery VS Islamic Savagery VS Jewish Savagery; Which one of these was/is the worst savage?

Beyond a certain point, there is no difference between different forms of human brutality. The cause becomes irrelevant. Communists, Muslims, Christians, Satanists, Jews, Hindus... they all become the same vile, cruel apes, screaming, shrieking, hammering away at their perceived enemies with sticks, slavering, with bloodshot eyes and red, thoughtless brains.

Atheists why do you hypocrites call us good religious people gullible?

When you are gullible enough to believe in something that is logical and has evidence? You people are like little children who goes inside a van because the man showed you he had lollipop and told you he would give it to you if you go inside the van. Don't you know bad things happen when you are gullible? REPANT!!!

If Obama is impeached by the House but not removed from office by the House for violating the Wars Powers Act?

but not removed from office by the Senate will he be reelected in 2012? I think he will. Most Democrats do not pay much attention to the news most of them still insist Clinton was never impeached.

Is there an OCD disorder or anything for an obsession with one girl?

I dont know if i would call it ocd per say but you should keep an eye on him for her safety. It sounds like its getting a little serious and if she doesnt already know then you should probably tell her so she can be on the look out. He sounds like he may have some problems and should probably see a psychologist or something.

What's the best thing to eat if you feel like you're going to pass out?

I'm getting a tattoo...I'm a bit nervous that I'll pass out though. I want to be prepared and bring a snack. I'm having trouble deciding between: a granola bar, a chocolate bar, or lollipops. Which might be the best/quickest way to prevent passing out? Please only answer if you know from experience, DON'T guess.

It seems the Angels are contemplating putting Jered Weaver on the trading block. Would this be justified?

Trade to TX for Chris Davis, Tanner Scheppers, and Michael Young. He can play any infield position except catcher.

Why can't I taste anything?

I'm really not kidding, when I was a kid, I was licking my lollipop, I was moving it up and down, and it shredded my tongue. I have huge cut marks all over my tongue now (I'm age 16), and I gradually started losing tastes in certain foods. I'd rather not have my parents pay a hospital bill, so I've been wondering if there's some problem. Also, if I eat foods with high acids (citrus mostly) for some reason my tongue starts bleeding. Not sure if that's related, but I'd like any helpful information!

Is it bad to use hand soap for my face?

Okay, well first off my face is just really oily and acne prone. I have been using hand soap and warm water and lathering it into my face about once everyday. It has gotten rid of my acne and really evened out my face from the oil. My face doesn't feel too dry, it just feels under control. But my mom insists that hand soap will ruin my face and make my face wrinkle. But it got rid of my acne really well. Is this really that bad for my face?

Can someone help me create program for the "The Next New Deal"?

first i would change welfare into a job training school that will teach people job skills instead of just giving them money! second make everyone welfare take and pass a drug test and show papers to prove they are american and not illegals! this alone will help our country out a lot!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I shared a lollipop with my friend?

Ok so I was at school and I had a lollipop in my mouth and my friend said if she could have a lick and I said ok. I don't really share things that I've put my mouth on with other people alot. Can I catch anything?

What movie is this?! Best answer given! please!!!!!!!?

Okay, what's the movie where a guy cuts off a girls ears and sends the ears in a box to another girl. and then another part in the movie, a girl sucking on a lollipop asked to put on the guys coat she was with and it was a black coat and she reached in his pocket and there was teeth in it. I think that guy was like a devil or something? I cannot remember what it was called! please tell me!!!!

How much money should I take to Disneyland?

So for the end of 8th grade trip my school is taking us to Disneyland. I already bought my ticket so I don't have to worry about that but I am wondering how much I should bring? I want just enough to buy food, a giant lollipop(: and a souvenir. I'm trying to keep it under $100 because the next day I'm going to the San Diego County Fair and I'm taking $100 for that. So please help b/c I'm clueless! ahaha Thanks!! <3

What is the difference between a breast lift and a mini breast lift?

and also, is there any way to have either of them without the "lollipop" scar going up to the nipple from the bottom of the breast?

Muslims — Why do you support what the Quran says? And if it involves murder, should you be locked up? why not?

It is a religion of their family, and if they are to stop claiming it they will bring shame, plus I believe true muslims are the ones who lack education.

Can anyone please help me to understand this question?

I think here you'd have to look at the various types of sentencing used in criminal courts in your country; more or less, sentencing is used as a general deterence mechanism and to "send a message" to the public at large that crimes are punishable as per the law, and ppl won't get away with crime etc. In addition, sentence severity depends on the gravity of one's crime: for example, murder vs. manslaughter; beating with a bat vs. a tissue box -- the worse the crime, usually, more the time, depending on statutes. It is also harsher in crimes where there are victims, vs. no victims Start by general deterence doctrine and you will find you way. Good luck

How to tell someone i dont want them to be my bridesmaid?

My mom insisted I have more bridesmaids than I originally wanted. I said ok fine and next thing I know my friend tina says " who's the other bm going to be" I dealt I had to ask her. But I hardly know her compaired to many of my friends, not to mention I feel like I was pinned into asking her. I do want another bridesmaid but I don't want it to be her. I don't want to ruin a friendship.

Legal question on counter-offers?

I think the principle of law you're looking for is that of unequivocal acceptance of an offer. Try reading Appleby v Johnson (1874) LR 9 CP 158 or Ballas v Theophilos (No 2) (1957) 98 CLR 193. Basically they state that any acceptance has to be clearly conveyed and complete.

Girls 16+, would very attractive girls be turn-offed by a guy that wants to wait until marriage for sex?

I noticed recently in two different instances today some attractive girls being talk to by multiple guys. One of them I didn't have that chance to talk to and the other I didn't catch her fast enough to talk to her (or I would've been interrupting her workout). Would it be smart to approach girls that are more modest with looks than very attractive girls? Most very attractive girls are social butterflys so it's safe to assume they may be sexual active. I want to wait until marriage for sex (18 y/o, 19 in 2 weeks) because it's in my Christian beliefs. Technically I'm not a virgin (havent done the actual deal) and I don't mind if the girl is not a virgin. Is my rationale correct or should I go for it? Opinions/Suggestions?

Is madea and Tyler perry 2 different people?

I know that Tyler perry and madea are the same but I have a friend that insist they are different people please post your honest answer are they the same person or 2 different people? thanks:) and a video of the dressing or undressing of them would be good too if you can find one.. Thanks again:)

So, for those who insist people aren't born gay, when exactly did I "become gay"?

It probably happened while you were still in your mom.Or if you were raised in a test tube or something,in there.

Indulge me here. This is for those who say it's weird or unusal 4 a mid/upper 20 or older male to b a "v"?

The human male reaches his sexual peak in his late teens early twenties, its an adaptation to ensure that the males that are most fit are the ones that reproduce. I would say the average if you ask any large group of males is going to be about 15-16, with the older end towards 18-20.

My Daughter is depressed since the death of her friend on NYE. She assumes it was HIS fault for Drowning?

I don't see what you want answered. The boy has drowned no soul searching or analyzing is going to bring him back. Even really strong swimmers can drown. Maybe he got caught in rubbish under the water and struggled to get out of it. Unfortunately you cannot trust news reports and the only way you would know the truth is if you were there personally. Remember boring stories don't sell papers. You can beat yourself up over the whys and wherefores and what ifs but it will not bring him back It is terribly sad that a life has been lost here but you need to focus on the good in this person, and not constantly think about how he met his demise. Your daughter could probably benefit from some counseling on ways to deal with this, obviously it is a traumatic event in her life but while she may never "get over it" she needs to be able to deal with it and move on in the future. Good Luck


i do the first 10, cause it's to many! purple - 10 - male - 22 - green seedless grapes - 10 - gangland - yes, i like pancakes - pancakes or waffles - more human than human, by white zombie.

High-ranking officials say Al Qaeda has been crippled. And conservatives claim Obama is too soft on terrorists?

Let's say that's true. Wouldn't common sense tell you that's PRECISELY the time to strike harder and deliver the knock-out blow? When Berlin was encircled in 1945, did the Allies say, "Woohoo! We've really got the Nazis on the run now! I guess it's time to go home."?

Girls 16+, would very attractive girls be turn-offed by a guy that wants to wait until marriage for sex?

I noticed recently in two different instances today some attractive girls being talk to by multiple guys. One of them I didn't have that chance to talk to and the other I didn't catch her fast enough to talk to her (or I would've been interrupting her workout). Would it be smart to approach girls that are more modest with looks than very attractive girls? Most very attractive girls are social butterflys so it's safe to assume they may be sexual active. I want to wait until marriage for sex (18 y/o, 19 in 2 weeks) because it's in my Christian beliefs. Technically I'm not a virgin (havent done the actual deal) and I don't mind if the girl is not a virgin. Is my rationale correct or should I go for it? Opinions/Suggestions?

What should i expect? Does he want us to be more than friends now?

i think he has a thing for you. so you should expect a little more on your date he will probably tell you he likes you or something. good luck, hope hail likes you! i mean hope he likes you!

Christians, why do people...?

I agree completley. Why do people have to predict when the world is goig to end or when the resurection will happen, and then get the whole nation to believe it? As long as you believe in the gospel, why do you have to know or worry? It is true that no one knows when The Savior Jesus will come, so in the mean time, just live life and spread the gospel. Hope this helps :)

Can lg(cyon) lollipop 2 text any service provider in the US?

i want to buy a lollipop 2 phone, but i heard it can only text the service provider that the user is using( if you use at&t, then u can only text ppl in at&t), is that true? also, i heard it does not have t9 texting?is that true as well?

FTM and male pronouns?

I think you should, my friends call me by my female name and refer to me by female pronouns. And I haven't even seen a gender therapist yet...

Part of family business left to people not in the family?

A family has a family business. It was left to 3 of the original owners children after his death. It has been discussed about selling withing the next 5 years or so. It has been operated for 70 years. Quite successful, until the economy went bad. One of the current owners recently passed away. Being the youngest of the 3, he didn't plan on passing first. He was going to redo his will, but didn't get around to it. His portion was left to his deceased wife's kids and her grand kids. Not ideal, but it is what it is. Now, an expense has come up and the current owners need to contribute some money to cover the issue. The new owner(s) refuse to contribute. They are insisting on selling. Not just their portion, but the whole business. They are not willing to wait until the economy recovers in order to get a fair price. They are wanting the money, that they figure is theirs from this business. What rights may the other 2 owners have?

Whats a few awesome anime to watch?

I haven't watch much amine but what I love is Naruto Shippuden. You can watch all episodes on

Where can i buy cheese flavoured lollipop?

I had lots of these from South Korea when i stayed there but i cant find them in the uk or where i can buy them online please is there a way to buy them online as my craving is cheese flavoured lollipops being pregnant i need these

Am I a Savanah Blueberry Dum Dum lollipop winner?

I have a Dum Dum lollipop wrapper. The flavor is SAVANAH Blueberry. It says I am a grand prize winner I?

Im still in love with him - but its over?

I broke up with my partner of 4 years in February and am as heartbroken now as I was then. I can't eat, I hear him moving around the flat, I dream about him, everything reminds me of him, my thoughts are always on him . . . my whole life has come to a standstill. Ive been signed off work with depression and anxiety. I wake up having a panic attack every day and i panic when I leave the house in case I see him with his new girlfriend. Ive taken all the advice I can, i force myself through each day trying to see friends, keep busy and move on with my life but I still feel dreadful. I ended it for some very good reasons and I still stand by those reasons, hes still behaving exactly the way he did before the split now. It doenst matter how much I try to battle my emotions with my rationale for ending the relationship I can't let him go. This new unfamiliar lonely life I find myself in is too much to bear. I feel very alone, even though my friends are exceptionally patient and supportive. I feel frightened and can't imagine a future without him. I really love him and always thought we would be together forever, I wanted to marry him and have his children and never anticipated being single again. I can't even contemplate meeting someone else I had found the one I wanted and as a result of unlucky circumstances hes gone forever. Ive had mental health support, im going for counselling, ive read self help books and constantly browse the internet for advice but to no avail. Does anyone have any insight into how I can move on from this?

Why does my 7 yr old daughter cry everyday when she gets dropped off at summer camp?

She will be 7 in a couple months and entering into the 2nd grade. She just started at summer camp a week ago & everyday when she gets dropped off she cries. I tell her if she doesn't like it she doesn't have to go but she insists she is having fun and wants to stay. The beginning of the school year is hard on her too. I know she is a shy child but only outside of our house. Should I be worried or is this something she will overcome?

Christians, why do people...?

I agree completley. Why do people have to predict when the world is goig to end or when the resurection will happen, and then get the whole nation to believe it? As long as you believe in the gospel, why do you have to know or worry? It is true that no one knows when The Savior Jesus will come, so in the mean time, just live life and spread the gospel. Hope this helps :)

The california budget?

Galvanize the state government social programs/entitlements and set a flat rate sales tax. Problem solved.

He chases me, literally, tells me sweet/sexy things, but...?

he isn't interested in dating u - he jus wants to have sex - trust me ur number wasn't lost by accident

Homophobes? I have a question for you and anyone else who dislikes gays?

im all for gay unions. i have nothing against gay people but i am against gay marriage. marriage is a religious bond. Legal unions are fine but marriage is crossing religious lines that are don't need to be crossed by people that directly violate the rules of that religion. As far as kids go i honestly think their kids will be more open minded and that open mindedness will help them in a lot of things in their life.

What am i supposed to do ?

You need to calmly explain to her one last time your situation, and if she is truly your friend, she would understand. If she still insists upon you lying, then you two just need seperation. No contact for a bit, and I promise she WILL come around, or at least be the first to talk to you again. You are in a hard situation, and it's tough, not wanting to lose a friend, but if she were a real friend, she would understand, or at least come around later on.

Atheist ― When will there be an atheistic style religion with tenets, lessons, guidance in life, morality?

I think you are looking for something oxymoronic. The great thing about being an atheist is that there are no tenets to agree with, no lessons to learn, no guide for proper living. If that is what you want then religion already exists. If you are interested in figuring it out as you go along, making mistakes and learning from them, and ultimately being your own reason for living, then welcome to atheism. Leave your assumptions and expectations at the door.

How to match two different kind of sofas in the living room?

we have a medium sized living room and have golden and navy blue patched 7 seater sofa with 4 coffee tables and one standing lamp.the other day my husband saw these butiful white and black colored single seater sofas and he bought 3 of i dont like it to be put with ma older sofas,but he insists..can anyone tel me how can i place all of them and of course have a tv stand with a 40in lcd ...i think ma living room gonna become crowded..please help...

Why are the same drugs, manufactured by the same companies, marketed under different trade names?

That's to cut down on international sales of drugs. If you're looking for ABC, and you can only find a drug called DEF called in another country, then you probably won't recognize it as ABC in this country, and you won't buy it and try to import it into this country (legally or illegally). Drugs in America are sold at a tremendous markup over what they are marketed for in other countries. Thank lawyers and their lawsuits for that. Part of the price of every pill you buy pays for the lawyer who will eventually sue the drug company over that drug. Other countries don't have predatory lawyers like we do in America, so they don't have to put a huge markup on drugs to pay for lawsuits that do not exist. Hence, ABC costs you, say, $100 per bottle in America, but DEF, the exact same drug, sells for only $10 in, say, South Africa. It's all about money, and that usually involves lawyers.

What was the rationale for slave-holding?

There are two rationals for slavery. One is obviously cheap labour. Industrialization essentially ended slavery, a machine can work with out getting tired, it dose not revolt on you and try to kill you and it dose not consume vast amounts of food and it never tires. Think about it this way, one of the reasons for slavery ending in the south no joke was the cotton gin. There was no need to keep a vast amount of men to get the fibres out of the husks from cotton plants. The other reason for slavery, in ancient times....10 slaves forced manual labour freeded up one man to produce special goods like metal work, alchemy (chemistry in the modern sense) or any other of the sciences.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jealousy/dislike ruining my marriage!?

I've been told that I need to find a therapist besides the church. I am losing my medical insurance next month, or in a few weeks and can't really afford to start counseling. I'm extremely jealous/have much contempt for my in laws. It started right away, when I found out that my MIL might be richer and hotter than I am. I'm petite and young, but for some reason I have it in my mind that I am lesser than them and they are so much better than I am which causes me to have a "complex" and feel I am a loser. They insist that I am imagining all of this and that its ridiculous, but I have it in my mind that I will never be as good as those people and I will not back down from my stance. My self esteem is so low, and my husband and I fight all the time because of how much I dislike his parents! I've told them off again, and now they want nothing to do with our marriage/giving us advice which is good actually. I told them "Ive never been your biggest fan let me tell you, I think you're narcissistic and conceited. Both of you are". What is wrong with me? I've seen a psychiatrist and she diagnosed me as major depressive. What else can I do do shake these feelings?

Problem with Black Ops?

Every now and then I manage to make a sweet enough kill I insist on making a clip out of it. Here is my seems recently only half or less of my matches are saved. The "recently played games" save your past 100 games. I dont know if it is a memory problem or what. Is there a way to clear recently played games? is this even the issue? If i didnt make sense to explain my issue again...exp I played a match 10 min. long but only 4 mins were saved and veiwable.... ??????? any help would be appreciated

My mom grounded me for taking 2 cent lollipops from the store..why?

are you truly this stupid??? & what color are you talking about?? red from embarrassment;; if I were your mother, I would never take you out of the house until you learn how to actually behave like a human being...stupid!! just plain stupid!!! wth!! free.yeah, right..your mom grounded you for being an obnoxious brat!!

You attack Bahrain we take out Qaddafi Deal? Another War about to Erupt?

You invade Bahrain. We take out Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. This, in short, is the essence of a deal struck between the Barack Obama administration and the House of Saud. Two diplomatic sources at the United Nations independently confirmed that Washington, via Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, gave the go-ahead for Saudi Arabia to invade Bahrain and crush the pro-democracy movement in their neighbor in exchange for a "yes"vote by the Arab League for a no-fly zone over Libya – the main rationale that led to United Nations Security Council resolution 1973.

Is this something bad for a relationship?

So as of recently I've been getting really frustrated with my boyfriend because I have noticed that he treats me like a friend when we are out at a party or around friends but not his friends. It makes me feel less important and we always talk about it. I've offered him the chance to be left and he can maybe use the space to think and I would have no problem with leaving him alone during the time but he insisted I didn't break it off. I know he cares about me but does he love? Does he find me less attractive? Is it a guy thing where showing affection to him makes him less manly? What does this mean?!

Can anyone help me remember the name of this book?

I remember the a lot about this book series but I cannot remember the name and I'd like to buy the whole set. I remember in the book, there's a girl named Nina who is allergic to cigarettes but insists on sucking on them. she likes a guy named Benjamin who is blind. but Benjamin likes nina's older sister claudia. on the spines of the books, in red they all say boyfriend/girlfriend, but I can't find anything by that series name. The books were published sometime before 2005 but after 1995. another thing I remember.. all the books have a cover that when all are together and open there's a picture of hearts on a brick wall with names in them, crossed out if real teens were writing on the wall with spray paints. I had all but 3 of the 7 book series and during a move when I was a teenager, I lost them. now I'd like to find them again and buy them for when my kids are teens.

Do you think im a slut?

You sound exactly like me. I absolutely hate females and hang around mainly guys. And heres one thing no one can argue with. They are male, they have genitals, hormones, testostrone and they are obviously teenage. You, have boobs and vagina. Judging by the question, you are obviously attractive. You are not a slut. Oh, and by the way, the way you dress has absolutley nothing to do with being slutty or not. Keep on being yourself.

Why was the rate of job creation in the decade after the Bush tax cuts the poorest in any decade since before?

The "great recession" actually started in Dec 2007, not Dec 2006 like you stated. Since you can not get simple facts straight, the rest of your question is invalid.

Damon braces vs traditional braces?

I'm supposed to be getting braces soon and I need to decide between two orthodontists, both offering around the same price. The first orthodontist insisted on getting Damon braces, which are supposedly faster, smaller, and more comfortable. They said it should only take up to 18 months and I shouldn't need to extract any teeth. The second orthodontist only used traditional braces and said it should take about 2 1/2 years, with the extraction of 4 teeth (to fix my chin). Generally the treatments were mostly the same (fix cross-bite, fix crowding, align teeth, etc...), except for the extractions. They definitely had their different perspectives and methods of diagnosis. And honestly, the second orthodontist actually charged slightly more than the first. So can anyone help me decide which one is better? Thanks!

What anime/manga would i like if ive seen/read the following:?

Are you sure you should be watching more anime and reading more manga before you finish all those that you've started? You're going to end up dropping most of those because you didn't give them all the attention they deserved.

Which is the more important rationale for capitalism - freedom or efficiency?

Having trouble with some homework. I thought capitalism had strength in both... Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Who coined the term 'popular culture'?

who coined the term 'popular culture' and why? what was the rationale that went behind the coining of the term.

If you could create your own cartoon network [adult awim] what japanese animes would you choose to air?

Sorry, it's so hard to read your listing, I am afraid to say anything, as it may have already been listed


Hello!! I'm getting my first cellphone and I have found a cellphone I would really like!! It is GD570 or also known as lollipop phone and I really desperately want to know how much it would cost me to buy it in Canada. Oh!! I also saw it on e-bay and it had a bunch of sales and I didn't know which one to get into. So could you guys please contact me as soon as possible to tell me how much the phone is and also how much it would be on e-bay in Canada.

Why to be casted to hell?

Ok there is a christian movie to help their students become christians and have faith in Jesus i think its called Letter From Hell. Well my little cousin showed me it i said no but he insisted so i agreed. In the movie the fictional character gets sent to hell because he did not acknowledge Jesus as his savior. But here is my question before Jesus was born there existed civilization so should they have went to hell because they didn't acknowledge something that didn't exist yet or did it not count what do you think. Yes i have extreme faith in the lord and god but it got me thinking.

Efficiency-wage and the insider-outsider rationale?

Explain the differences between the efficiency-wage and the insider-outsider rationales for involuntary unemployment. To what degree is this explanation merely an underpinning for Keynesian macroeconomics?

Define market power, and then discuss the rationale for government regulation of firms with market power?

I assume the market power you are referring to is adam smiths invisible hand. The gov believe in using the "artificial hand" to correct the so-called inherent instability of the market.

What is the rationale or reason for teaching students distance in elementary school?

It's the concept of recognizing a relationship between one point and another point. Understanding distance is an important beginning to understanding measurement, a vital and practical skill.

Monday, July 18, 2011

How do I get control back from a 3 year old?

I am only seventeen but I have a cousin who can act like your daughter sometimes and it is hard to take care of her sometimes. What I do to my cousin is I talk to her in a stern voice and make eye contact. The eye contact is the key it shows authority don't force her to look at you just say her name until she looks at you even if it takes about a hundred times before she does. I am one of the only one my cousin listens to and I never lay a hand on her, yell at her, etc. Don't spank your child because physical abuse like that doesn't help much you just have to have patience. Also when she goes into a tantrum just put her in her room and ignore her until she calms down then talk to her. I hope this helps!

Girls 16+, would very attractive girls be turn-offed by a guy that wants to wait until marriage for sex?

I noticed recently in two different instances today some attractive girls being talk to by multiple guys. One of them I didn't have that chance to talk to and the other I didn't catch her fast enough to talk to her (or I would've been interrupting her workout). Would it be smart to approach girls that are more modest with looks than very attractive girls? Most very attractive girls are social butterflys so it's safe to assume they may be sexual active. I want to wait until marriage for sex (18 y/o, 19 in 2 weeks) because it's in my Christian beliefs. Technically I'm not a virgin (havent done the actual deal) and I don't mind if the girl is not a virgin. Is my rationale correct or should I go for it? Opinions/Suggestions?

Where does a private property ends.?

I own a house in one of the subdivision in Cebu, Philippines. My question is can a lot owner claim ownership of the sidewalk fronting his property. VECO is planning to put a new electric post on the said sidewalk (outside his fence), but the owner insisted that the sidewalk is part of his property. Can you refer me to a law website that refutes his claim.

Friend who won't ever return romantic feelings?

I gotta say I’ve been in love with a guy friend for nearly 2 years. Maybe not in love, but crazy over him. I’ve accepted the fact that he probably won’t ever return those feelings back. I don’t think that I measure up *physically* to what he is looking for. And besides, we have already talked about us dating and I know it’s pretty much a dead end. Nonetheless, for most of the 2 years I’ve known him, we’ve been pretty good friends, talking nearly every night online or through text and whatnot. We have very candid conversations that go on for hours about nearly any topic. So I’ve obviously gotten to know him a bit. And I’ve gotten to know some of his flaws – like him being self-centered, self-important, shallow, vain, etc. I’ve expressed to him my thoughts about that on a couple of occasions, and he takes great offense in it and insists that he isn’t like that. He even stopped talking to me for a month. I confronted him about that, and he says that he doesn’t want to be friends with someone who thinks some “false things” about him. Well, I’m not going to apologize to him for what I think. But little does he know that the reason I’m so harsh to him (in my head and sometimes through our conversations) is because I’m trying to make myself believe that he isn’t worthy because I know I’ll never have him. He is in love with some beautiful chick named Laura. I know I can’t compare, despite me not being ugly or fat per se …. But I simply don’t stack up to this girl, she is drop dead gorgeous. He has gotten to know me and seen what I’m about, and it still has not had an effect on him (as in, “Hey this girl is pretty cool and she’s not bad-looking”). Yet he barely knows this girl but he drools over her because of how hot she is. I’ve known that he won’t ever like me like I like him, so my heart has put up some barriers, and have become overly critical of him. Truth is, he’s a decent guy but based on what he said to me a couple nights ago, he thinks that I think of him as this bad person or something. I don’t really think of him like that, and while I DO really think that he is vain, I’m OVERLY harsh on him because of my resentment of him not returning those feelings to me. Kind of like, if you can’t have ‘em then they *must* suck type of thing. Flawed thinking, I know, but it’s a defense mechanism. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m considering just leaving things as they are (us not talking anymore), let him continue to think what he wants, and just move on with my life, with him being none the wiser of my underlying present feelings. Maybe I could truly get over him this way, instead of going a couple of months with the feelings surpressed and then realizing that I wasn’t really over it after all. What should I do? :(

What's the name of this tv show?

There's a tv show that shows how candy is made. It shows how normal things are made like chocolate, candy canes, & peppermints, & it shows weird things like chocolate covered grasshoppers & those lollipops with the insects inside them like scorpions & worms. I really want to watch it but I have no idea what it's called. Please help!

Is my anti-tragus piercing too shallow/rejecting?

I'd go have a different piercer check it out just to be sure but yes, to me, it looks way too shallow.

Friend who won't ever return romantic feelings?

I gotta say I’ve been in love with a guy friend for nearly 2 years. Maybe not in love, but crazy over him. I’ve accepted the fact that he probably won’t ever return those feelings back. I don’t think that I measure up *physically* to what he is looking for. And besides, we have already talked about us dating and I know it’s pretty much a dead end. Nonetheless, for most of the 2 years I’ve known him, we’ve been pretty good friends, talking nearly every night online or through text and whatnot. We have very candid conversations that go on for hours about nearly any topic. So I’ve obviously gotten to know him a bit. And I’ve gotten to know some of his flaws – like him being self-centered, self-important, shallow, vain, etc. I’ve expressed to him my thoughts about that on a couple of occasions, and he takes great offense in it and insists that he isn’t like that. He even stopped talking to me for a month. I confronted him about that, and he says that he doesn’t want to be friends with someone who thinks some “false things” about him. Well, I’m not going to apologize to him for what I think. But little does he know that the reason I’m so harsh to him (in my head and sometimes through our conversations) is because I’m trying to make myself believe that he isn’t worthy because I know I’ll never have him. He is in love with some beautiful chick named Laura. I know I can’t compare, despite me not being ugly or fat per se …. But I simply don’t stack up to this girl, she is drop dead gorgeous. He has gotten to know me and seen what I’m about, and it still has not had an effect on him (as in, “Hey this girl is pretty cool and she’s not bad-looking”). Yet he barely knows this girl but he drools over her because of how hot she is. I’ve known that he won’t ever like me like I like him, so my heart has put up some barriers, and have become overly critical of him. Truth is, he’s a decent guy but based on what he said to me a couple nights ago, he thinks that I think of him as this bad person or something. I don’t really think of him like that, and while I DO really think that he is vain, I’m OVERLY harsh on him because of my resentment of him not returning those feelings to me. Kind of like, if you can’t have ‘em then they *must* suck type of thing. Flawed thinking, I know, but it’s a defense mechanism. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m considering just leaving things as they are (us not talking anymore), let him continue to think what he wants, and just move on with my life, with him being none the wiser of my underlying present feelings. Maybe I could truly get over him this way, instead of going a couple of months with the feelings surpressed and then realizing that I wasn’t really over it after all. What should I do? :(

Political Question Opinions…. all opinions appreciated!?

All you need to know about politics can be summed up by the following: liberals are worthless cowardly liars who hate America and are too lazy, stupid, obese, and ignorant to add any value to society.

What is the deal with females putting on 50, 60, 70lbs.+ within two years of marriage?

It seems a lot of women get too comfortable and take advantage of the assumption that their husbands won't leave.

Do Constitutional rights apply to the people sitting in Guantanamo? Do Americans support indefinite detention?

No they don't. That's why they're not being held in the U.S. Only in the U.S. does our Constitution matter.

My two friends have split up - driving me insane!?

It's a same sex relationship they are both 18. Things moved insanely fast & they moved in together after just being together for under a year. They both became so wrapped in one another & did not socialise beyond one another. They split up because there was to many arguments & they were loosing out on their teenage years - this was the choice of one of my friends who insists she will not be getting back together with her ex that they need to move on & she's happy that way yet she still she's her ex everyday, it's as if they are still together & it gives my other friend mixed messages because she is clinging onto the hope if then reuniting as a couple & only bothers about her ex only makes the effort to see her & does not bother about her friends. What do I do? I know it's not about me but it's becoming unbearable she constantly posts blogs about how shes changed that she's sorting everything out yet when I talk to her ex she goes on & on how they will not get back together?

Is there a way to stop parents from controlling my diet?

I am a 17 year old boy. I used to be obese weighing 250 lbs. Then I lost weight and got to 165. My parents think I am too thin now and are trying to make me eat more than I wish to and to eat unhealthier foods. I do not see the rationale behind their plan. I do not wish to be overweight ever again and now I am back to 180 after a couple of months. When I refrain from eating fried foods or other foods with high fat content they say they worry about me and now schedule appointments to the doctor. What can I do to get this to stop?

Do you believe in life on other planets Atheists? Read the post or don't answer!!.?

You are using faulty logic in making the "belief" in extraterrestrial life analogous with belief in a god or gods. Acknowledging the possibility of life on other planets is a logical extrapolation of what is known about life on earth, the existence of planets in other solar systems, and the sheer vastness of the observable universe. On the other hand, there are no established facts from which the existence of a god or gods is a logical extrapolation.

Did My Teacher Like Me More Than A Student?

It's possible that he liked you in that way. But maybe you're just over-analyzing his actions. He might act silly and weird with everyone without you noticing it, because you're too wrapped up in the ways that he gives you attention. If you really believe he's stalking you, inform your principle. I wouldn't switch schools just to get away from a teacher, get him fired. **** that.

Couldn't Anyone Fit Asperger's?

Unless you are an Aspie or live with one, you would never understand. I am a parent of a proud Aspie. She loves that she is. We always knew she was different, but not understanding why. The pieces all came together after she was diagnosed 7 years ago. Now she runs several blogs on it. You can not become "Aspergers" You are "Aspergers"

Would you say that this person deserves to be arrested for shoplifting?

You seem to be asking if there is some rule of law that requires people to believe the person when he says he acted (putting the gum drop in his pocket) while being unaware of his own conduct. There is no such rule of law. A jury might believe it, but a cop hears it every day.

I had a dream of someone pulling out my teeth?

should i take this with the same interpretation of them falling out ? this guy he put me like half asleep put me on a kitchen table, i was still consience when he ws doing this, and he started pulling out my teeth insisting it would make me look better, and it just mae me look even worse i had maybe 5 teeth leftt. it was very scary.

How should you deal with a person that always wants to "one up" you and others w/their comments?

reading specialist has an ego problem. If it comes up again, ignore him. voice your opinion. Get the facts and counter him. He need to be knocked down a few notches.

Friend who won't ever return romantic feelings?

I gotta say I’ve been in love with a guy friend for nearly 2 years. Maybe not in love, but crazy over him. I’ve accepted the fact that he probably won’t ever return those feelings back. I don’t think that I measure up *physically* to what he is looking for. And besides, we have already talked about us dating and I know it’s pretty much a dead end. Nonetheless, for most of the 2 years I’ve known him, we’ve been pretty good friends, talking nearly every night online or through text and whatnot. We have very candid conversations that go on for hours about nearly any topic. So I’ve obviously gotten to know him a bit. And I’ve gotten to know some of his flaws – like him being self-centered, self-important, shallow, vain, etc. I’ve expressed to him my thoughts about that on a couple of occasions, and he takes great offense in it and insists that he isn’t like that. He even stopped talking to me for a month. I confronted him about that, and he says that he doesn’t want to be friends with someone who thinks some “false things” about him. Well, I’m not going to apologize to him for what I think. But little does he know that the reason I’m so harsh to him (in my head and sometimes through our conversations) is because I’m trying to make myself believe that he isn’t worthy because I know I’ll never have him. He is in love with some beautiful chick named Laura. I know I can’t compare, despite me not being ugly or fat per se …. But I simply don’t stack up to this girl, she is drop dead gorgeous. He has gotten to know me and seen what I’m about, and it still has not had an effect on him (as in, “Hey this girl is pretty cool and she’s not bad-looking”). Yet he barely knows this girl but he drools over her because of how hot she is. I’ve known that he won’t ever like me like I like him, so my heart has put up some barriers, and have become overly critical of him. Truth is, he’s a decent guy but based on what he said to me a couple nights ago, he thinks that I think of him as this bad person or something. I don’t really think of him like that, and while I DO really think that he is vain, I’m OVERLY harsh on him because of my resentment of him not returning those feelings to me. Kind of like, if you can’t have ‘em then they *must* suck type of thing. Flawed thinking, I know, but it’s a defense mechanism. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m considering just leaving things as they are (us not talking anymore), let him continue to think what he wants, and just move on with my life, with him being none the wiser of my underlying present feelings. Maybe I could truly get over him this way, instead of going a couple of months with the feelings surpressed and then realizing that I wasn’t really over it after all.

Don't you hate it when parents are so damn overprotective? my parents are the reason why i'm so depressed?

in life. they never let me have any fun. By fun i mean going out to parties, chilling with people that kind of stuff. and if i do go out they have to call a million freaking times on my phone. Their rationale: "We want to protect you" WTF? protect me from what? I'm freaking 18 i can freaking take care of myself. What the hell is their problem? Its like they want me to stay in my room and study all my freaking life. I wanna do more than that. i want to explore the world outside and not sit in my room and stare at a goddamn book all day. whenever i do go outside they always set a curfew for me and if i'm not back till then they tend to cause a riot in the house. WTF again. what is their problem? i don't want to be miserable in life. its quite hilarious when they constantly ask me why i'm so depressed or tell me to enjoy my life but how the freak am i supposed to do that when i'm locked inside this freaking house all day. THEY are the source of my unhappiness. THEY are the source of my pain. THEY are the source of my depression. Ever since I could remember i was always worried about socializing with people in front of them, even now. They seem to be too picky about the people i make friends with.They make a huge f-ing deal if they don't like the people i'm with. I'm telling you guys these f-ing lunatics just want me to be miserable. I will never be able to have fun with these f-kers in my life. In the future i will permanently cut off relationship with them and live my life the way I want to. They are a bunch of f-ing retards and i hope they rot in hell.

At the end of the day, are threats of the afterlife the best argument that a Christian has?

I've had debates with Christians, and when they fail to convince me of the love of a potential God or in my case the utility of such things some of them present the possibility of a dreary afterlife scenario that awaits non believers. While I know that not all people believe out of fear of this, at least a lot of them do. At the end of the day, are the best arguments nothing but threats of a non demonstrable world of torment? The rationale behind the other aspects of the religion just don't seem to work with people who think outside of the box.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is there a store that I can buy power pops?

They are appetite suppressing lollipops with hoodia, does anyone know if they are sold in any stores or do I just need to buy them online?

Girls 16+, would very attractive girl be turn-offed by a guy that wants to wait until marriage for sex?

I noticed recently in two different instances today some attractive girls being talk to by multiple guys. One of them I didn't have that chance to talk to and the other I didn't catch her fast enough to talk to her (or I would've been interrupting her workout). Would it be smart to approach girls that are more modest with looks than very attractive girls? Most very attractive girls are social butterflys so it's safe to assume they may be sexual active. I want to wait until marriage for sex (18 y/o, 19 in 2 weeks) because it's in my Christian beliefs. Technically I'm not a virgin (havent done the actual deal) and I don't mind if the girl is not a virgin. Is my rationale correct or should I go for it? Opinions/Suggestions?

Anyone figure out what she means?

What were you two talking about that brought this up? From what you've written there is not one thing I can think of that she could be talking about...what kind of conversation were you two having?

Why do Christians insist on saying homosexuality is a choice, when it clearly isn't?

Anyone who is rational and definitely anyone who is gay, knows that homosexuality is not a choice, yet Christians insist on making it a choice just so it's seems it is our fault that we are sinners? Of course they would, God would not be so cruel as to doom gay people from the day they are born, and yet he is, since we are gay from the day we are born.

What is up with guys?

Why do guys insist on whistling to girls on the streets and around malls? It is sick and just disrespectful! And guys who smack a girls butt randomly? How much of a pig can you be? Guys, please explain to me why you are so disgusting?? I do not understand. Girls need to be respected! Not whistled at and slapped!

Christians, why do you insist on the ban on gay marriage while allowing other practices the Bible goes against?

Anti-gay activists don't have the guts to take on adultery and fornication and divorce and real heterosexual problems. If they tried, they'd lose all kinds of money. And if there's one thing strident anti-gay activists like, it's some good ol' $$$$!

Should the compulsory education laws be abolished?

Compulsory education is established by each state, not by the U.S. Government. Twenty-nine states require a student to attend school until the age of 16, 28 until the age of 17, and 13 until the age of 18. As a retired teacher, who now substitutes in a large metropolitan school district, I believe most students have been given the opportunity to learn the basics of Reading, Writing and Arithmetic once they have completed the 9th grade. I believe trade schools and vocational schools for students who do not "fit" into the compulsory academia mold past 9th grade need to be established. We have many talented students who could be successful outside "academia".

If a friend asks you to write them a letter of reference to job they are not fit for,would you write it?

I'm working on a paper about morality and I was assigned this question. If you could give me your name ( just first if your uncomfortable with first and last), how old you are, who raised you (mom, dad, both, other family, etc.) How you were raised. ( strict, average, lenient) and your rationale towards the answer. Please and Thank you!

Where can I find high-quality Mamotte! Lollipop scans with all the pages in the correct order?

I've tried several places, including Mangafox, but several of the chapters have pages that are drastically out of order, and a couple chapters are fairly low-quality scans so they're hard to read. I'm having trouble making sense of it after about chapter 14. I kinda understand what's supposed to happen, but the how and when leaves me baffled. Can anyone help?

Can someone explain this rationale?

T he dems had control of congress the last FOUR years,control of the senate the last SIX years and the white housr for last TWO/HALF years----but it is the gop fault for our joblessness. PLEASE--am I missing something here? When I heard a couple of dem politicians actually say this--I couldnt believe it.

What is the flavor of this dum-dum lollipop?

its a mystery flavor, and its wrapped in brown and purple i think with yellow question marks..on there, it gives you a flavor hint. at first, i thought it was cinnamon but then i looked at the flavor hint and noticed i was totally wrong..heres the flavor hint. _ _ P_ _ _ _ E. lol, help..i cant get itt..thankss(:

Which Superman is Goku fighting?

If it would be against Super-Saiyan 4 Goku.....Superman Prime from DC One Million; otherwise I'd pick the Silver Age Earth-One Superman.

Going on a "date" with my ex, please help?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 years and living together most of the time, I am 5 months pregnant with his baby, but a week ago he decided he wants a "break" which im totally unsure what that even means. And he moved out with another girl, but insists they are only friends and its only temporary so he has aplace to live for now. which i hate to accept but i do believe. Even if he is fooling around with her, i know he loves me, he even still says he does and doesnt love her,plus were on a "break" but he says hes not seeing anyone and doesnt want me to either, its only a break. I asked him if he would go out on canada day with me, but instead he invited me with him and his friends. I want him back soo bad but i know he wants his space, I feel like this is my chance, other than my chance in another week when we are going to the ultrasound together to see the gender of the baby. Which if this doesnt work out I am hoping he will fall for me agian on that day.How can I act on this "date" to not make me look too pushy or make it awkward for us? I want him to look at me and want me back I want him to try and kiss me and hug me, we are going to see fireworks and Im so nervous! I want him back so bad!

How to find the WPA password for a TP-link router?

A lot of routers use the default factory password..which is admin for the name and the password...however it is advisable that if that is your password, that you change the password as anyone can get into your broadband and use the bandwidth...hope that helps otherwise call the local agent for advise..

Is this a stupid way to die?

Me and my friends were talking about the best and worst ways to die, I thought the best way would be taking a bullet for the president, but my friends say that's stupid because I disagree with a lot of Obama's policy. My reasoning was that even if we disagree with the man's position, that it is worth dying to protect the office. (I also jokingly added "anything to prevent a president Joe Biden"). In your opinion is my rationale at least reasonable, even if you disagree, or is it a dumb way to die. (assuming you had to die but it could be any way you want)

My Daughter is depressed since the death of her friend on NYE. She assumes it was HIS fault for Drowning?

I don't see what you want answered. The boy has drowned no soul searching or analyzing is going to bring him back. Even really strong swimmers can drown. Maybe he got caught in rubbish under the water and struggled to get out of it. Unfortunately you cannot trust news reports and the only way you would know the truth is if you were there personally. Remember boring stories don't sell papers. You can beat yourself up over the whys and wherefores and what ifs but it will not bring him back It is terribly sad that a life has been lost here but you need to focus on the good in this person, and not constantly think about how he met his demise. Your daughter could probably benefit from some counseling on ways to deal with this, obviously it is a traumatic event in her life but while she may never "get over it" she needs to be able to deal with it and move on in the future. Good Luck

I Wish I Looked Younger!?

Man this sucks. I hate how people complain about looking too young. I wish I looked young. I'm eighteen and people think I'm twenty something. Most people call me ma'am and some even think my eight year old sister is my daughter. WTF. How the hell can I look younger? Should i wear ponytails and lick lollipops? JK. But seriously man.

My fiancee and babys dad to our two month old son is addicted to shooting up roxies .... I need help!!! ?

I just need advice... My boyfriend shoots up roxies .... Its like a broken record, him saying he cant keep spending all our money on this, he hates it, its not him ... I know he wants to stop this and I want to help him. Our son needs his dad. But its not fair to our son or me for him to keep putting us second as well as our son not needing to be in a sitiation like this. ( he does not do it at our home) I am ready to give up I feel like ive done all I can to help him and know he needs to help himself.... But he is insisting we give him one more try bc he really wants to be there for us. What can I do to help him and help us????

Wanna know whats the size of the lollipop stick in gauges?

Dont give me a perverted answer. I was just wondering since a lollipop stick fits in my pierced hole. I would like to know in bout how big it is in gauges? Or mm?

If God gave free-will to all; why does he employ missionaries to take people over against their free-will?

Hmmm...a question regarding free-will, yet you want people to express themselves according to your criteria, dismissing any deviations as "not real answers".

Parents: Why are lollipops also often called suckers?

Shouldn't they be called suckees? They are not sucking anything. It's the person that is the sucker, no?

Do I have to accept that my daughter's untidy?

My 21 year old daughter is home from Uni for the summer. When she was a child, I would insist on her room being kept reasonably tidy and clean - not pristine or anything, just not a fire or health hazard! When she comes home now she says that it's up to her what she does in her room and that she's an adult. But I can't bear the mess! Am I being unreasonable? I can't help but think that I wouldn't visit her student house that she pays the rent on and trash it like this. I don't want her to feel like a visitor when she comes home, but then I do think that being an adult comes with responsibilities to others. If it matters to me, then shouldn't she respect that? I just don't know. Suggestions please! Thank you in advance.

What rationale do girls use when they decide if a guy is hot or not, honestly?

Today one of my girl friends and I were just looking through our facebooks trying to find hotties for each other and she thought this one guy was so hot and i don't see how. He wasn't bad looking but, he did not have a good body, he had a little bit of a fat face and just looked like a normal guy. It seems like girls are so sporadic with this. As oppose to guys who generally look at face,boobs,butt,stomach.

Should the compulsory education laws be abolished?

So, your plan for fixing the education system is basically to just let it collapse entirely? I don't really feel like that addresses the problem at hand. The goal we're failing to meet isn't some arbitrary educational standard - it's for students to graduate with the skills to compete in the global economy. Just shrugging and saying its fine to blow the whole thing off won't solve anything.

Are there any good Christian "different" bands?

hey, me here, and I'm wondering; are there any good, "different" Christian bands? Like indie, rock, pop-ish kinda. I know Seabird, David Crowder, Sufjan Stevens, Flyleaf, Skillet, Krsytal Meyers and all of them, I mean stuff that not many people know of. Stuff like Katy Perry and Lady Gaga; only Christian. I like the sound of Mumford and Sons, but they're not Christian. :( I like rock music (as I said before, stuff like Flyleaf, Skillet, The Almost, The Afters, Switchfoor, ect), and I accept a little screamo (like in Flyleaf), but I don't want the whole thing to just be screaming. Oh, and is there any good christian 50's music? I mean like upbeat music, because I only could find one song, and it was really slow. I want stuff like Rockin' Robin, Lollipop, and Bycicle Built for Two and whatnot. Thank you. :)

Is it possible to hide the scratches on your lg GD580 (lg lollipop) ?

my lg lollipop is over 3 months old nd its got quite a few scratches and it is bothering me a lot....can anyone give me sum idea to get rid off d scratches?? P.S. dont suggest scratch guards..

How to convince parents to let me get a pet!!?

I really want a small, caged pet. Perhaps a glider, chinchilla, or bunny. My mom insists on a "NO!" because she simply "does not want an animal" and she thinks it will smell. One question, does anybody know if its true that your small, caged pet will smell no matter what? what should i do to talk her into it?I'm talking step by step instructions. Not just "be responsible" and "beg" been there, done that. I need something that works! Thanks for your help! I appreciate it so much!

Is it too late to train my dwarf hamster now?

nope it would take me about 10 days to tame them both . this is if they are russians or chinese, if they are robs then they are not to be handled as they will get too scared

I'm soo mad at my husband for getting me sick and I don't know what to say?

Well unless he forced his kisses on you by holding you down and making you take them, Id say you had a choice and made your decision. Live with it and move on..this is quit petty.

Scared of getting remarried but scared of being alone..Help :(?

Maria, the average step-father is a respectable man, who goes to work and looks after kids who are not his own. Your experience is sad. I have realised that being on your own is the best ever thing.

Girls 16+, would very attractive girls be turn-offed by a guy that wants to wait until marriage for sex?

I noticed recently in two different instances today some attractive girls being talk to by multiple guys. One of them I didn't have that chance to talk to and the other I didn't catch her fast enough to talk to her (or I would've been interrupting her workout). Would it be smart to approach girls that are more modest with looks than very attractive girls? Most very attractive girls are social butterflys so it's safe to assume they may be sexual active. I want to wait until marriage for sex (18 y/o, 19 in 2 weeks) because it's in my Christian beliefs. Technically I'm not a virgin (havent done the actual deal) and I don't mind if the girl is not a virgin. Is my rationale correct or should I go for it? Opinions/Suggestions?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How to transfer files (music, pictures, videos, etc.) with LG GD580/Lollipop?

To sync music, I think you have to go to menu and connectivity and select 'usb connection mode' and 'sync music'. For photos it's most likely 'mass storage'. Then you can just move music onto there from documents to my computer once you connect your usb. It worked for me ^^

Is my gay relationship doomed because of my boyfriend's shame?

Sounds like he's only halfway out. Unfortunately, it seems like it is leading to a failed relationship.

I need help on a case study for my pharmacology class?

for everyone who answered this question. I had this same case study for my pharmacology class due today and I had spent several hours trying to organize my notes into something reasonable. You are all amazing and very helpful! Thanks again for helping me organize MY case study and not forget key points!

Anyone using LG dLite GD570 or Lollipop GD580?

I am thinking about buiyng unlocked LG phone and I wonder which one is better. It looks kinda the same and the only big difference I see is in camera resolution. Which one do you recommend, Lollipop or dLite GD570? Do you know where I can get it online (worldwide shipping) for reasonable price - I am not gonna get a contract with any network as I live in Poland and no network has this mobiles. I just need to buy unlocked phone and use it with my current T-mobile sim card. Is 134 $ on Amazon a good price? I found one for 80$ but it seems like a scam...too cheap for a new phone?

How do you work with ratios?

In a jar of lollipops, the ratio of red lollipops to blue lollipops is 3:5. if only red lollipops and blue lollipops are in the jar and if the total number of lollipops in the jar is 56, how many blue lollipops are in the jar?

Braces question?! the little cap thing on my molars came off?

yeah so i did something pretty dumb..i bit right into the chewy part of a lollipop, and POP! off went the cap thingy on my molar, but then it went right back into place...but it went like completely off, but was still connected to the rest of my braces. my orthodontist is away for the next 3 weeks, are my teeth gonna suffer? its already a little sore in that spot :(

5 months pregnant and my bf wants a break?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for just over 2 years and have been living together pretty much the whole time. we are both 23 I am currently 5 months pregnant with his baby. I know we have been agruing alot, and I have been emotion and telling him i need him there for me. It seems every weekend he hangs out with hs friends and does not come home until the next afternoon or evening. Even though I am pregnant and ask him to please come home after, he has never come home after in the last year that we have lived here. He says were not married and he doesnt understand why I care. But Anyway when he doesnt come home I get worried and sometimes acuse him of cheating. So the last time he went out i accused him again over the phone and he said its over. the next day he came home and grabbed some things and told me its a break, he wants to be single and free and not have me tell him what to do. and he loves me and only wants some space. It hurt me so much as I was so shocked and its been so hard on me, he ended up coming back and taking everything. he has moved in with the girl i thought he was cheating on me with and that hurt soo bad. this all happened within the last week. He insists he is not seeing her or fooling around with her or anyone, he says he doesnt want us to see other people, and he loves me more than anything. he just needs space , and is unsure if he will come back or not, but says we will be together agian. I feel so worried and I want him back more than anything, I am wondering if he is just saying its a break and he love me and says he isnt seeing her or anyone just to be nice, but if it was over wouldnt he just tell me hes seeing someone?. I do believe what he is saying that they are only friends and roomates, but its so hard to accept. Is there a chance he really does want to get back together? I am soo confused please help. How can I get him to want me back, I am such a great girlfriend i do anything for him, and only ask him to come home when the partys over instead of sleeping there.and accuse him of cheating which i know he hates. I want him to miss me and want me back and not make me feel worried.

Why do guys with really hairy arms/backs wear sleeveless shirts?

I know this question is really random, but I was wondering about this today. I work in retail and there are so many times where guys with extremely hairy arms and backs come in with sleeveless shirts for all the world to see. It's not even like it is just a little hair, no, it is a huge amount of hair that mimics fur. I know that this look doesn't look good, other people know this doesn't look good, but do these guys realize how bad it looks? Why do guys insist on going around like this? Do they not realize they are that hairy? Are they afraid to wax or shave? Any insight would be helpful!

What rationale, if any, would be behind this idea?

The recent changes in the bankruptcy laws have made it considerably more difficult for individuals and businesses to receive a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The new law requires counseling and means testing and disallows persons who earn over the median state income to file for such a bankruptcy. Does this strike you as fair? What rationale, if any, would be behind this idea?

What is fundamentalist atheism?

In all honesty, it's a pejorative slang against atheists in light of there being fundamentalist Christians. The aforesaid Christians are also caught attempting to conflate atheism as a religion to vitiate an atheist's position on criticising particular religions.

Prop Ideas For One Year Old Photo Shoot 10 points?

For my son we had him wearing a birthday shirt and held up a "1" with his finger. (it was just last week) everyone loves them. I like your ideas too, and maybe have her eating a birthday cake or cupcakes in just a diaper or a diaper and cute legwarmers.

Does cocktail cranberry juice help take weed out of your system?

I only did it once and it was the 18th I ate a little piece of a weed brownie a weed lollipop and I took about 4 hits. Help?!

Indulge me here. This is for those who say it's weird or unusal 4 a mid/upper 20 or older male to b a "v"?

The human male reaches his sexual peak in his late teens early twenties, its an adaptation to ensure that the males that are most fit are the ones that reproduce. I would say the average if you ask any large group of males is going to be about 15-16, with the older end towards 18-20.

I need advice on my mother in law. please help!?

I was always close with my husbands parents and had no problem getting along with them, they did alot for us getting established on our own and i really appreciate them. however; once my son was born they now feel the need to tell us how to raise him and its driving me crazy! i have kept my mouth shut to avoid an argument with them or my husband (who does stand up and take my side) but im at the point i cant take it anymore. they tell me my 10 month old shouldnt have a sippy cup and should still be on only bottles bc hes a 'baby' and they buy bottles and give him koolaid (which he doesnt need) in bottles when we are @ their house. they insist he needs old fashioned 'walking shoes' instead of being barefoot when learning to walk and say we dont feed him enough when we clearly do and he is a perfect weight according to his dr. if i give them info to support my decisions they say they dont care they ave raised kids. its hard to talk to them bc they dont back down and i know it will turn into a fight. they humiliate me @ family gatherings etc. by saying how i do things wrong. we usually sped alot of time @ their house (they live 5 minutes away) but i can no longer go over there or it will be ww3. i need advice. he is OUR child. my husband tells them constantly but they just say they have raised kids, we have not. we both constantly tell them 'no bottles' 'he doesnt need 3 jars of babyfood at once' 'he doesnt need to be in shoes in summer' etc. and they insist they are right and brush us off. i certainly dont want to keep their grandson from them by any means but they have pushed me to where i dont want to be around them and they dont keep my son, they only see him when i am there. i dont want to argue but i dont know what to do... it clear that just talking to them doesnt work.

I told my best friend my secret and now she's being sarcastic?

I'm not sure if she is but it kinda hurts me. A few days ago, we argued and I ended up telling that I'd sex and I regretted it and she seemed very surprised. She kept insisting that I should go to hospital to see if I get any kind of disease, I should go to police station and report and I should tell my parents about it. I said no but she kept telling she'd accompany me but finally she agreed to keep quiet about it. Then a week later, we met again in school and she smiled as usual. But then when I talked to her, she said "Oh, it's okay. You're always horny, hahaha." I laughed it off but she never said that before and why she suddenly said that. Then again, when we were talking, she said "Don't you just love to unzip your pants and show your banana?" I felt hurt and I was embarrassed because she said that in front of everyone. We've been best friends for 5 years and now I feel like it's a total waste of time being her friend. What do you think? What should I do?

How do you convince a mainstream christian that Mormons are christians too, just another denomination?

There are those videos on YouTube where Mormons have their own testimony where it shows them living a normal life and then in the end they say, "..and I'm a Mormon." Which is also the title of the video. There's some opposing essential teachings that I would have to agree with your friend.

My house leaves me feeling tired. Is there something I may be breathing in to make me feel this way?

I may not be asking this correctly but my entire family and everyone who comes to my house claims that my house has a sleepy effect. When people come to my house they insist that they become more and more sleepy from being here. I'm very curious if there are chemicals or molds or anything that could be in my house that is causing us to breath in something causing us to feel tired. If anyone has any information of opinions on this, I would greatly appreciate any input. Thank you in advance!

How to know which type of function best fits data?

I don't know how to logically know whether a set of data best fits a linear, quadratic, radical, exponential, or logarithmic function. I don't understand the rationale behind that, i.e. whether we test it by multiplying the y-values etc. What calculations do you personally do to figure that out?

Is LG Lollipop 2 out in China or Hong Kong?

I'm deadly in love with the LG Lollipop 2 that came out in South Korea a while ago... Even though it came out a while ago, I still spaz over it :( I'm getting a new phone soon and so I really REALLY want Lollipop 2. Does anyone know if it's out in China or Hong Kong (preferably Hong Kong) or if it isn't, any online cellphone stores that sell it?

Any amazing rappers like Lil wayne?

Well i've only heard one song from lil wayne it's called "lollipop" it's the best song i've heard in my life..who are some amazing rappers like him

My best friend lost his virginity today, he's 15. Why am i sad?

It sounds to me like your disappointed in him. You know hes better than that for his words hes told you and he did a complete turn around and went against his "beliefs" or at least words. Talk to him about it. Say you overheard him talking and your concerned. He may have also been lying to fit in type of thing. I know many people whom have done this unfortunately.

Can I sue my dentist?

In short, though others might give more thorough information, yes that is a compelling case to bring to court

Good anime to watch? Preferably funny and not too dark.?

FOOLY COOLY! (FLCL) is an awesome quirky anime with a bit of romance you could say. It's main focus is to represent a story of growing up and learning to express feelings though. Soul Eater is a fun anime to watch. No romance in that one though (I guess that there is a minuscule amount).

Why is religion such a touchy subject?

I myself am a pantheist and people look at me with such disbelief when I say so and follow with a lecture of how not accepting God into my life gets me no where but to the path of Hell, my friends mom told me I was the Antichrist because I was not a christian and told me not to share my "lollipop" beliefs with her daughter. It's the same for all religions and beliefs and I've never quite understood why people get so offened when you have a different god or ritual. Why is it like this?

How am I going to fix this mega wrecked marriage?

You have to see how well he does with his sobriety. Truth be told, a month or two does not show commitment. Take your time.

Does The Girl Like Me Or Does She Want To Be Freinds?

Hey Everyone, So about a year ago one of my friend tells me he's been chatting to this girl and he is going to meet her tonight, and asks if I want to come and the girl he been chatting to will also bring her mate out, so meet them and my mate ends up pulling this girl and i end up pulling her mate(Sharon) that night, really nice girl and totally hot, and so the night after we decide to take the two girls two my place for a drink, once thing leads to another after i few drinks and i nearly ended up having sex with this girl, we didn't go all the way because she said she barely new me, and after talking with my mate the day after he had sex with the other girl, that night, and he basically said he had no interest in meeting her again lol, but i liked this other girl so i wanted to carry on meeting her, so i convinced my mate to come out as well as sharon was saying her mate was asking about him, so we both carried on meeting them, Sharon's mate was totally into my mate you could tell but he didn't like her and was kind of being mean to her in weird way, by taking the mic out of her in a nasty way but kind of joking but not if you get me. and usually when we drop pp the girls off in the car sharon would give me a kiss and a hug and then one day i went to give her a hug and kiss before dropping her off and she moved her head out he way and just hugged me and that kind of give me the message she wanted to be Friends, and from then on my mate just completely stopped seeing the other girl, and i saw less of less of sharon, we sort of stopped talking to each other often Just talking n facebook an stuff every now and again a bit, a few month later i notice on facebook she gets a boyfriend and then a few week ago they split because he cheated on her, couple of week later she starts messaging me asking me to meet her, so i have been meeting her again and i cant figure ouweatherer or not she likes me or wants to bFriendsds, she always insists to sit in the front of my car when a few of us go for a drive, and she talks to me mainly whethere'ses a few of us she always starts a conversation with me out of everyone, we get along well and have a good laugh, we kind of have flirty conversations, take the piss out of each other a bit, she usually text me after i drop her off at nighas wellll and always ask me to come out on such a such a day when getting out the car s that'ts what makes me think she likes me, but sometimes when i text her she wont text back for hours or sometimes she well text me and then when i text back wont text back for ages and she can be quite flirty with other people when im around her too, i dont no weather she realizez she is doing it sometimes can be a bit naive, and she just come out of that relationship and i knew she really liked the guy, but i know she wudnt get back with him, she not the type, so does he like me or want to be Friends, i am thinking of just asking her but dont want to make **** uncomfortable between us, so any answers or advice from anyone would be appreciated, thanks

Friday, July 15, 2011

Help what kind of candy is this?!?

It is an El Salvadorian fruit brand. My guess is that brown square is a tamarind, a sour and acidic bitter-sweet flavoured fruit used for sweets and many cuisines in Latin America.

Which religions promote the opinion that if you do not follow their religion (no matter how good you are) you?

Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity, as far as I know. (Of course, only ONE is right. and I'm not ashamed to say I am a Christian.)

Wtf is lollipop? lollipop guys lollipop girls wtf?

I heard this from quite a few people and i don't know wtf it is. Is there a proper definition? i mean wtf?

My best friend is in love with me, and I'm in a relationship with our mutual friend. What should I do?

Well let him know you don't feel the same way about him flat out let him know or else he will be more hurt in the future and if he insist on being with you then its on him

Where does a private property ends.?

I own a house in one of the subdivision in Cebu, Philippines. My question is can a lot owner claim ownership of the sidewalk fronting his property. VECO is planning to put a new electric post on the said sidewalk (outside his fence), but the owner insisted that the sidewalk is part of his property. Can you refer me to a law website that refutes his claim.

FTM and male pronouns?

I think you should, my friends call me by my female name and refer to me by female pronouns. And I haven't even seen a gender therapist yet...

Question about Liberals and " individual freedoms " ?

Why do so many Liberals insist that " individual freedoms " need to be protected & maximized at the same time that they insist that :" individual freedoms " need to be reistricted & minimized through " big government " ?

Can some one PLEASE tell me why on earth do people still think Muslims kicked out the Jews in Palestine?

It is the israeli brain washing system........not the israeli education system........history of old israel is based on inventing fictional data........Now present israel is re-writing history to suit it claims..........and still some israeli ,who refer to themselves as educated scholars,repeat such invented stories as historical facts

What is he playing at, why does he want me as a friend still?

Right now I'm in the same position with my ex-boyfriend. Except I'm playing the part your man is playing. It's mainly because I'm confused. I broke up with him because a lot of bad things happened in my life and i needed to be on my own to clear my head, but on the other hand, I need him around to support me and help me through it all. I know I'm being unfair to him but my head is just totally all over the place at the minute. I'm hoping to fix everything with him when I've sorted my life out, maybe your ex-boyfriend is going through the same thing as me? Hope this helped x

LGBT: Breast reduction scars...?

I wouldn't care at all, my partner doesn't care about my scars nor do I hers, she was initially anxious about anybody seeing them but yeah, trust in the relationship and all that - she felt comfortable about them because she felt comfortable about me.

Please help me understand my wife's attitude toward my efforts?

I asked earlier but would appreciate more answers if you don't mind. I apologize if you've read this before. We've had some ups and downs over the past year or so. I haven't been the best husband, getting angry sometimes when she demands a lot of attention or complains a lot. For her part she's spent time flirting with other guys and insulting me, though she insists the other guys mean nothing and they're after her, and the insults are just jokes. We've had a few real blow ups. My issue is over the years I've purchased a number of books about how to keep your wife happy and how to be a good husband. Some about how to please her in bed and others about communication and making her happy. She says she wanted me to read these and I have. Not sure if they helped. But she has never done the same. She doesn't seem to put the effort into wanting to improve things and seems like she's satisfied about how things go. I've pointed this out to her before. Well I did again a few days ago when she complained that I was being too aggressive in my job search and I should want to find work that lets me stay home a lot and focus on her and our future kids. I pointed out that I already put a lot of effort into the relationship and mentioned the books I've bought and spent time reading. She just sort of laughed and said, "Oh, yeah, those" in reference to the books. What gives? She said she wanted me to focus on her, read those books and all, and now she just sees them as a joke or something. Can someone explain this to me? What have I done wrong here?

If we are all modeled in gods image than how can he condemn homosexuals?

Before I get started I would like to point out that its been proven that homosexuality is not a choice and is 100% genetic, but if you're like the christian church and view this in the way it viewed the concept of gravity up until 1980, please stop reading now, I don't have any desire to find out what you have to say. But if not here's my point. If in fact the bible is correct in saying that we are all modeled in the image of god and combining that with the scientific proof that homosexuality cannot be controlled then how can god condemn models of himself that have done nothing but live the way he created them? and with both of these facts indisputable the bible must be wrong in either saying that homosexuality is an abominable act punishable by death or that we are modeled after god. This point in itself could discredit Christianity and certainly should discredit the bible. Thoughts? I realize some of you answering will be religious or followers of Christian faith but just for this one question use logic and your own words to answer and please attempt to keep the emotions minimal, not non existent as I surely haven't but just keep it at a level where logic and rationale outweigh emotion.

What does segmenting products mean and what are some examples?

I always I do business with the seo company titled Seo Impressions Inc.They are extremely helpful They are inexpensive. Also, I find that they are very quickMost firms say it will take 3-4 months, in contrast SEO Impressions delivers results QUICK---I highly recommend them--http

Why do so many believe that if something isn't in the bible, it must be wrong?

Well, after the split from the Catholic Church, most protestants stated that the Catholic Church is wrong. To accomplish this they had to attack most things the Catholic Church did that wasn't in the Bible (even though all Jesus commandment weren't written in the bible, but passed on through the first christians and thus created the Catholic Tradition). The decided sola scriptura, and thus moved farther from the original churches (Catholic and Orthodox)

Romantic Manga/Anime With A Bad Boy?

The Honey x Honey Drops manga and OVA would be perfect for you, it fits all your criteria except it's sort of ecchi and the girl is kinda ditzy otherwise it'd be exactly what you would want :)

Yahoo user virus/scam ALERT!?

This is why you don't accept invitations from anyone you do not know. They are all spammers for webcam sites and other scams

LG Lollipop phone question?

I would like to buy the LG Lollipop soon. Is is a very cute phone and I would love to have it. There is only one problem, I would like to type in Korean too. I know it has a Korean language setting but the keyboard doesn't have any Korean symbols on it. Is there a version that has the symbols on it? Thanks :D


So, my wife and I had decided to go to a late night movie. We did not have a babysitter and this kind gentleman called Pedro Bayer with a thick mexican mustache came to our house. He said he really likes lollies-which i assumed to be lollipops and i thought that he could identify with the children. When we got home we couldnt find Pedro Bayer or the kids, and I am so scared that the kids and Pedro Bayer were kidnapped by a crazed burglar. Help me find them please!

Boats: Buy new or used? Depreciation question?

If your new to boating, buy new. Can't beat the warranties that you will not get when you buy used. P.S. I like your selections, other than the Rinker ( which rhymes with stinker ).

Is there a word for someone who doesn't eat red meat?

Dairy/eggs are consumed by vegetarians. You're thinking of vegan. Sometimes, vegetarians have this weird thing about fish. A vegetarian who only eats fish is called a pascal vegetarian, but I don't believe there is a word for someone who doesn't eat red meat.

Where can I get these phones?

Hi, I have a question about these two phones: LG Ice Cream and LG Lollipop. Are they available in China? I'm going to Guangzhou/ Shenzhen in a week, and I want to buy either of those phones when I'm there, what stores sell them? And when I return back to the states, how will I be able to unlock it? Any help is appreciated, thanks :)

Could, and should, I go for a house w/ a mortgage vs. renting (given my situation)?

My recommendation is buying a house, as you said it's not an investment...try read this one too a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Girls 16+, is it a good idea to not approach attractive girls because I want to wait until marriage for sex?

I noticed recently in two different instances today some attractive girls being talk to by multiple guys. One of them I didn't have that chance to talk to and the other I didn't catch her fast enough to talk to her (or I would've been interrupting her workout). Would it be smart to approach girls that are more modest with looks than very attractive girls? Most very attractive girls are social butterflys so it's safe to assume they may be sexual active. I want to wait until marriage for sex (18 y/o, 19 in 2 weeks) because it's in my Christian beliefs. Is my rationale correct or should I go for it? Opinions/Suggestions?

Economic rationale for having a monopoly?

Having a monopoly means that you can earn economics profit. economic profit is "extra" profit being the opportunity cost of running a business. Whenever you earn an economic profit, you are earning more than you "should" so companies like to be a monopoly and protect their extra profit.

What is a good name for a chocolate shop?

I have been making chocolate lollipops and a variety of chocolate dipped edibles. I want to open a store where everything is chocolate or chocolate dipped. I can't some up with a name and I need some ideas! I would appreciate the help!! Thanks :)

Does he like me back? What do I do next? Please help!!!?

Yes, he is very much into you. He is nervous that you are not a relationship girl or there are others so he gives you space to see if you will still "initiate". Once he knows you made a effort to see him again he will open up.

My step son is stealing from my house?

My partner and I have a 3 month old together. I also have a 16 year old and seven year old to my husband who passed away. My current partner has a 12 year old daughter to one woman, and a 11 year old son and 7 year old daughter to another woman. He has his kids over every second weekend and any other time the mothers ask him to, which lately has been most weekends. These kids are very poorly behaved. 2 visits ago the 11 year old boy was standing on the edge of the pool peeing in it and the 7 year old poohed beside the pool. Neither child was smacked, just told if they did it again they would be banned for a while. They run around my house all weekend. Make mess everywhere. Grab fresh towels for every swim and every shower. Only eat crap food. To the point where I really can't be bothered cooking for them any more cause they just say Yuk! and don't eat it. The very last visit they were going through my boxes downstairs, these boxes where sealed. I caught them and told them in no uncertain terms to stay out of them. I have my dead husband in an urn in one of those boxes and a heap of other valuables. I also have a presents box with new stuff I had bought on sale that is great for gifts. This box had been gone through. Again I said stay away from my things. The night after they left, I found tags from the new things in the box discarded on the floor and noticed that the items attached to these tags had disappeared. I told my partner and he rang his son and he had the items. He said my 7 year old daughter said he could have them, which I know is rubbish because she was the one that alerted me to them going through my stuff. My partner saw he had some of his stuff from downstairs when he was leaving but decided he could have what he had found of his. He asked him what else he had in his bag, and he said nothing. I should have insisted we check his bag but didn't. My partner believes that he hasn't done anything wrong because he believes my 7 year old said he could have my stuff. Forget that I said said stay away from my boxes and even asked him to reinforce that. I get so frustrated. These aren't my children, but this is my house. Shouldn't I have more control in my own home?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What are some movies with themes and events similar to those in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens?

It's for a project in communication arts class. I have a huge project to do and I just need a little help. I have to write a rationale for each, but when I think about movies I'm drawing blanks. Thanks!

Don't you think Osama Bin Laden in a certain respect was right?

I mean the initial rationale Al Queda had was that they wanted America to keep their nose out of Muslim Countries business. Now, I don't condone terrorism but America is like a big bully alot of the time, and feels entitled to bulldoze their way into everyone else's **** and take what they want, and do what they want. And when people retaliate they are then painted as the bad guy. 9/11 was tragic and awful. But, it is a logical request to ask America to keep their nose out..

Am I showing early signs of an eating disorder?

I am currently classified as obese. In the last 8 days I have lost 6 pounds by restricting my calories and have begun to exercise (definitely not excessively). Each day I consume less and less calories. Today will end with me consuming 500 calories. I am afraid to eat because I worry that it will impede my efforts to lose weight. My rationale is that as long as I eat some healthy things throughout the day I will be fine. My sister was anorexic several years ago and I am nowhere near where she was. She was underweight, losing her hair, wouldn't eat at all, denied she was hungry, would exercise like fear is that I have started on her path. Though it will be several pounds out for me to even move to the "overweight" class something doesn't feel right. I have a "cheat day" where I eat what I want, but I am even afraid of eating then. Does anyone with more experience with how anorexia starts know if I'm in danger?

Why do Christians try to force their religion on others?

I mean with missionaries, even though they do good work, they pay people to convert, they trick them, they divide communities, breaks families, cause tension, why can't they mind their own business, if you want to feed people, by all mean go ahead. But why do they insist that they CONVERT before feeding you. Why do they tell new converts to hate their former religion, and the religion of their parents. I was working with this lady, when she found out I wasn't Christian, she started leaving passages of the bible on my desk, and talked about how bad hell is, and how I'm going there. Is it too much to ask to mind your own business, I'm fine with who I am. I hate when street preachers scream into peoples faces, that Christ will have no mercy for non-believers. I'm fine with Christians believing in what they want, but why not let me live life alone? Can someone tell me why, so many of them do this, I don't think they are bad people, but why...?

Can you control what you dream about?

I had a dream about a friend, and i told her about it. In this dream, we kissed. She freaked out on me, because we've never been anything more than friends. I don't want to be. neither does she. but she won't talk to me now, insisting that i was thinking about her in a sexual way. I tried to explain that it was just a dream, and t hat i wasn't thinking about her at all. So does anyone think I meant to dream that? I just thought that she and I were close enough friends for me to be able to share it with her, to just get a good laugh.

What are some Reeeeeally AWESOME Rom/Com animes PLZ!!!!!?

You've watched basically all the ones I've watched and the ones you haven't like Nana you don't want to. But if you go to you can get some awesome reccomendations based on animes you've watched and loved. Just type in an anime and it'll give you reccomendations on other anime you should watch based on your search. That's all I can say.

Could the teachings of King David as a prophet in Islam help Israel legitimize itself in the eyes of Muslims?

King David, one of the first kings of ancient Israel 3,000 years ago, is written in great detail in both the Bible and Quran. Besides being a mighty king of ancient Israel, the Quran takes the respect of King David up a notch and identifies him as one of the prophets (which also includes Mohammad, Jesus, and Abraham, according to Muslim faith). Recognition of King David alone is recognition of Israel, because that was the nation he was king of. A rationale should be made, therefore, that Muslims should recognize and respect Israel, out of respect for the land of their great prophet King David. Going a step further, one could say that the Jews are Prophet King David's people, and to show disrespect and not recognize the land of Israel as the Kingdom of David is utter disrespect for the prophet King David.

I just got my braces? THEY HURT LIKE HELL?

this is now my 3rd month of braces. i will be honest when i first got them i felt like screaming like crazy and yeah they do hurt like hell just dont eat anything hard it will make the pain worse just eat soft stuff and drink soup the pain will go away after a month and then you can eat anything u want well except not gum and those stuff and then in check ups your dentist will remove the metal wire and put another one it will hurt a bit when u eat on them but then its back to normal!

How to avoid fainting?

That is not normal procedure for a nurse. The idea is to get your head below the level of your heart.

Why do people in places Pakistan NOT want US military there, but when bombs go off they plead for our help?

Pakistan and other countries in the news have insisted that their police and military are now ready to handle their country. Hooray for them. Let them do it. But as soon as one of their own sets off a fire-cracker they cry and ask why America isn't there to help put out the fire. As soon as there is an earthquake they moan and cry that America hasn't replied soon enough or showered them with enough money. The whole world seems to act like spoiled brat kids dependent on America yet wanting nothing to do with America - and currently it is like having the rich beg for more money from the poor. Why don't foreign countries grow money trees and when the need assistance pull money from the twigs?